Why do you want this job?
Stress the positive aspects, which have attracted you to the job in the first place. Think carefully about this question.
What do you know about the company?
This is your chance to shine. The more knowledge you have about the company, the better. Focus on details that will relate to your skills, knowledge, and qualifications. Here are some ideas:
- How long has the company been established?
- How many branches do they have?
- What size is the company?
- What’s their growth pattern been like?
- Who are their main competitors?
- What are the names of chief executives, MDs etc.?
- What is the ethos of the company?
- How successful is the company? Any major achievements?
- General reputation of the company?
- Is the company publicly or privately owned?
Why should we employ you?
Base your answer on your previous experience and skills, you can add that there’s a good fit between you and your job.
How would you describe yourself?
Don’t be modest, be positive. State your attributes and achievements always relating back to the job.
Why did you choose this career?
If you have changed careers, make a logical argument as to why you did so.
Do you have many interests outside work?
People pay too little attention to this question. You can have excellent qualifications work experience etc., however hobbies and interests can tell the employer even more about you. Interests define whether you are sociable or solitary, and whether you can take on leadership roles.
What qualities do you think will be required for this job?
Think outside the box. While the advertisement may help a little, you should also think of the other qualities that may be required. These include leadership ability, supervisory skills, communication skills and problem solving.
What do you find most attractive/least attractive about this job?
List three strong attractions and only give one minor unattractive factor. Shift the emphasis away from the negative.
What do you think you could bring to this role?
Find a quality unique to you. The interviewer is looking for what you have to offer that would make you the best person for the position.
What are your greatest strengths?
Talk about specific assets that the employer desires for the position.
Tell me a bit about yourself?
For this question you can talk about personal characteristics and/or skills which transform into career strengths, for example, you enjoy organising social events. Don’t ramble; be brief with your answer.
What did you think of your previous manager(s)?
This question shows your attitude to several matters. Never speak negatively of anyone.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Employers know you’re not going to stay in the same position forever so have a goal for the future. Don’t undersell yourself; be realistic.
Do you have any other questions?
Yes! Have questions prepared. This shows your interest in the position. Don’t ask any questions that were already answered during the interview as this demonstrates a lack of attention.
Possible Questions to Ask:
- When will the hiring decision be made?
- Would I be working as part of a team or on my own?
- Do career opportunities exist within the company?
- What are the characteristics of employees that excel in this position or similar positions?
- How is employee performance evaluated? How often is it evaluated?